Why Register?

In order to register, you must do so with a valid email address. Once registered, you automatically have access to our downloads and will receive an email confirming this. Contact us if you are not able to download.

We do not resell or distribute your personal information in any way.

We pride ourselves on the pre-sales support we provide our customers which begins when you first make the decision to download. We don't want to be a pest to you, but we do want you to know that we value your business and are available to help you evaluate KioWare for your project.

After you register to download, someone on our staff will email you asking how they can help you evaluate KioWare. Then, roughly 10 days later, we will email you again offering our help.

Finally after about another 10 days, if no contact has been made with you, we will send one final email extending our offer to help.

Our customers have commented how they appreciate our personal sales and support, stating how rare it is to get in touch with a person elsewhere. You need not be concerned that providing your email address will cause endless unsolicited emails. It won't. You will get three emails spaced over a three week period, and if you haven't already purchased or contacted us, then your account will be made inactive.

If you have further concerns, visit our Privacy page for more information.