KioWare - Kiosk System Software - User Guides

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KioWare Lite   |   Platform: Android™   |   Version: 3.8


For your convenience, the most up-to-date user guides are always available at, Support menu, User Guides.  Just remember that these online guides may describe features that your version does not have.

KioWare Lite for Android Overview

Do you have questions about KioWare Lite for Android?  If so, we have the answers.

What is the purpose?Allows you to lock down your Android browser or entire Android tablet, so the tablet can be used securely as a digital sign, kiosk, or self-service tool.  In other words, when using KioWare Lite for Android, you ensure that no one can turn off your tablet, hack into it, or damage any applications you are running on it.  You can also limit which applications are run on the tablet, as well as which websites the browser can access.
What are the key components?KioWare Lite for Android (a browser shell application) and the KioWare Lite for Android Configuration Tool (Config Tool), which contains all the settings for running the KioWare browser
How does it work?You first use the Config Tool to set up how you want KioWare Lite for Android to work.  The Config Tool then “talks” to the KioWare browser, telling it how to run.  The browser is opened by clicking a desktop icon, and once it runs, it creates a safe environment for public use of your tablet.
What is the application type?Browser-based
Where is it installed?On your Android tablet
Are different models available?Three models are available: Lite, Basic, and Full.
  • Lite provides browser lockdown protection, limits on the Android applications that are run, resetting of apps/clearing of prior user session, security audits, and automatic updating of settings from an XML file.
  • Basic provides everything that comes with Lite, plus support for using external devices, add-ins, and the tablet's camera.
  • Full provides everything that comes with Basic, and also allows you to monitor multiple tablets from a central location.
Can it be used with some type of server application?Only the Full model can, which includes a KioWare Server product.  This is installed on your server, and can be set up to “talk” to multiple tablets that are running KioWare Lite for Android.
What is in it?Multiple tools to secure your browser and tablet, run attract screens, display a main toolbar, import/export settings, and use addins and devices.  (See KioWare Lite for Android Tools below.)
Who can access it?Whomever you want.  An exit password and other security features keep unwanted users from exiting the KioWare browser and accessing system files and other items on your tablet.
Is it available in different languages?Yes, it can be translated to French, German, or Spanish (see Quick Start Guide, Configuration Tool, Translations).
What are some important things to know about running it?You will want to set a home page (see Configuration Tool, General Tab, Start Page URL) that appears when you open the KioWare browser.  If no home page is set, the KioWare Welcome screen will display.

Also, by default, the KioWare browser is not locked down for maximum security; you must change settings in the Config Tool (Quick Start Guide, Configuration Tool) to be fully secure and ready for public use.  The Audit tab (see Configuration Tool, Audit Tab) will show you the current settings, and those that are red or yellow are not set for maximum security and should be changed.

Plus, it is always good to look at our Best Practices for the best (and easiest) ways to set up KioWare Lite for Android.

KioWare Lite for Android Tools

These tools, located in the Config Tool (see Quick Start Guide, Configuration Tool), make it easy to tell the KioWare browser how to run by setting up security and special features of KioWare Lite for Android.

General tabProvides basic settings for using your tablet and KioWare Lite for Android (e.g., sets home page, screen orientation, and tablet sleep mode, and enables KioWare Lite for Android to start during boot and auto-load settings from an XML file)
Browser tabDetermines how the Android browser and KioWare browser will run during a user session (e.g., how zooming, popup windows, SSL errors, and media auto play are handled, and if data is stored or cleared)
Attract/Inactivity tabDetermines how the KioWare browser will run when sitting idle between user sessions (e.g., what screens will show, when and for how long, and if alerts should appear)
Toolbar tabUsed to show/hide buttons and options on the KioWare browser toolbar
Security tabSets up security for KioWare Lite for Android and your tablet (e.g., how the KioWare browser will handle file downloads, applications that are running, and various web pages, and if it shows the tablet's system bar or requires an exit password)
License tabDisplays information on your KioWare Lite for Android license and can be used to get a license
Audit tabProvides a color-coded audit to show settings that will not give the KioWare browser its maximum security

Quick Reference

If you are looking for certain information or steps for a specific setup, then look no further.  This quick reference table can be your guide.  Use the links below to quickly move to specific sections in the table.

  • Addins and Applications (KioWare addins, Chrome's Inspect feature, third-party applications, running only one application, exit the application, enable inactivity timer for the application, close the application when the user session ends, audit of settings)
  • Allowing and Blocking (activity stacks, protocols, domains, web pages/resources, applications, audit of settings)
  • Attract Screens (add/edit/remove screens, ordering, how long to display, attract screen looping)
  • File Downloads (storage, end-session behavior/warnings, mobile networks, mime type, progress meter)
  • Import/Export of Config Tool Settings and Resources (manual import from XML file, auto-import on install, export, addins/custom images and other resources, Google Drive, restore defaults/keep or delete custom images)
  • KioWare Browser - Back-End Features (real-time communication, SSL errors, cache, cookies, data storage, meta tags, proxy settings, audit of settings)
  • KioWare Browser - Front-End Display Features (home page, non-mobile versions of websites, popup windows, Auto play of videos, browser tabs, audit of settings)
  • KioWare Toolbar (custom logo/images, page load progress bar, address bar, show/hide buttons, JavaScript Console, custom buttons)
  • Licenses (connection to License Server, show/edit license info, get license)
  • Security (start on boot, exiting, passwords for KioWare/tablet, Android lock screen on top/bottom, auto-sign-in to basic authenticated websites, audit of settings)
  • Tablet (auto-run KioWare, Android browser, screen orientation/sleep/schedule, system bar/status bar, toolbar buttons, popup windows, running only one application, audit of settings)
  • User Session and Activity/Inactivity (auto-end session, alerts, overriding default time-outs, audit of settings)
Addins and Applications
KioWare addins, Chrome's Inspect feature, third-party applications, running only one application, exit the application, enable inactivity timer for the application, close the application when the user session ends, audit of settings
TaskWhere to Find the Information in This User Guide
Enable/disable addins that are installed for KioWare to useThis feature is only available with the Full model of KioWare.
Enable/disable debugging with Chrome's Inspect featureBrowser tab, Development Options - Enable Remote WebView Debugging
Make third-party application activity register as user activity in KioWare (Inactivity/Activity Service)Attract/Inactivity tab, Inactivity Timers - Inactivity/Activity Service
Security tab, Application Manager - Inactivity/Activity Service
Security tab, Application Manager, Single Application Mode - Inactivity/Activity Service
Show user if there are any issues with the Inactivity/Activity Service setting and if any third-party applications are enabledAudit tab, Attract/Inactivity - Accessibility Service
Set up an Exit button for use when running only one application (that is not KioWare)Security tab, Application Manager, Single application Mode, Exiting KioWare - check Enable Exit Button box, make a selection from the Button Position option, and uncheck the Exit Button Visibility box
Set up the tablet to run only one application (that is not KioWare)Security tab, Application Manager, Single application Mode - check Enable Single Application Mode box and make a selection from the Application option
Set up an invisible Exit button for use when running only one application (that is not KioWare)Security tab, Application Manager, Single application Mode, Exiting KioWare - check Enable Exit Button box, make a selection from the Button Position option, and check the Exit Button Visibility box
Start the inactivity timer when running only one application (that is not KioWare)Security tab, Application Manager, Single application Mode, Inactivity Timers - check Enable Inactivity Timer checkbox
Close the application at session end when running only one application (that is not KioWare)Security tab, Application Manager, Single application Mode, Inactivity Timers - check Kill App at Session End checkbox
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Allowing and Blocking
Activity stacks, protocols, domains, web pages/resources, applications, audit of settings
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Allow tablet to use activity stacks to determine how to allow/block other applications you try to runSecurity tab, Application Manager - Match On
Set which protocols KioWare will allow/block (e.g., ftp, file, mailto)Security tab, General Options - Protocol Access List
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Set up a domain list as an “allow” listSecurity tab, Browsing Access List, Domain Entries - check Set Allow List box and make a selection from Match On option.  For each domain, select the Add New Domain option and enter all information.
Set up a domain list as a “block” listSecurity tab, Browsing Access List, Domain Entries - uncheck Set Allow List box and make a selection from Match On option.  For each domain, select the Add New Domain option and enter all information.
Allow an individual domain when the domain list is set up as a “block” listSecurity tab, Browsing Access List, Domain Entries - select the plus icon (to add) or the pencil icon (to edit) a domain.  Check the box to set the entry as an allow list.
Block an individual domain when the domain list is set up as an “allow” listSecurity tab, Browsing Access List, Domain Entries - select the plus icon (to add) or the pencil icon (to edit) a domain.  Uncheck the box to set the entry as an allow list.
Set a domain entry (in a “block” or “allow” list) as a regular expression (CONTAINS match)Security tab, Browsing Access List, Domain Entries - select the plus icon (to add) or the pencil icon (to edit) a domain.  Check the box that indicates the entry is a regular expression (regex).
Edit a domain in a “block” or “allow” listSecurity tab, Browsing Access List, Domain Entries - select the pencil icon
Guidelines for editing domains and pages in a “block” or “allow” listSecurity tab, Browsing Access List, Guidelines for Editing Domains and Pages
Show user if there are any issues with the Browsing Access List setupsAudit tab, Security - Browsing Access List
Web Pages and Resources
TaskWhere to Find the Information in This User Guide
Set which web pages and resources KioWare will allow/blockSecurity tab, General Options - Browsing Access List
Allow or block web pages and their resources (e.g., images)Security tab, Browsing Access List, Domain Entries - Match On
Set up a web page list as an “allow” listSecurity tab, Browsing Access List, Domain Entries - select the pencil icon for a domain entry and check the Set Allow List box.  For each web page, select the Add New page option and enter all information.
Set up a web page list as a “block” listSecurity tab, Browsing Access List, Domain Entries - select the pencil icon for a domain entry and uncheck the Set Allow List box.  For each web page, select the Add New page option and enter all information.
Set a web page entry (in a “block” or “allow” list) as a regular expression (CONTAINS match)Security tab, Browsing Access List, Domain Entries - select the pencil icon.  Below the Page Entries heading, select the plus icon (to add) or the pencil icon (to edit) a web page.  Check the box that indicates the entry is a regular expression (regex).
Edit a web page in a “block” or “allow” listSecurity tab, Browsing Access List, Domain Entries - below the Page Entries heading, select the pencil icon
Show user if there are any issues with the Browsing Access List setupsAudit tab, Security - Browsing Access List
TaskWhere to Find the Information in This User Guide
Set which applications/application groups KioWare will allow/blockSecurity tab, General Options - Application Manager
Include all applications in an “allow” listSecurity tab, Application Manager, Application List Tools - Add All Applications to List
Remove all applications from an “allow” listSecurity tab, Application Manager Application List Tools - Remove All Applications from List
Set up an application list as an “allow” listSecurity tab, Application Manager, Allowed Applications - for each application to be included, select the Add New Application option and then select that application from the list
Remove an application from an “allow” listSecurity tab, Application Manager, Allowed Applications - select the minus icon
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Attract Screens
Add/edit/remove screens, ordering, how long to display, attract screen looping
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Set up an attract screenAttract/Inactivity tab, Attract Screens - select the plus icon for the Attract Screens option, then specify URL, Ignore User Input, and Duration settings on the popup window
Edit an attract screenAttract/Inactivity tab, Attract Screens - select a pencil icon for an attract screen and edit URL, Ignore User Input, and Duration settings
Remove an attract screenAttract/Inactivity tab, Attract Screens - select a minus icon for an attract screen
Change the order for attract screens to displayAttract/Inactivity tab, Attract Screens - press and drag any entry listed under the Attract Screens option
Set the default length of time to show each attract screenAttract/Inactivity tab, Attract Screens - Default Attract Duration
Loop through attract screensAttract/Inactivity tab, Attract Screens - Use a Web Page List
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File Downloads
Storage, end-session behavior/warnings, mobile networks, mime type, progress meter
TaskWhere to Find the Information in This User Guide
Set up KioWare to download filesSecurity tab, General Options - Download Manager
Location where downloads are stored when running KioWareSecurity tab, Download Manager - Download Directory
Set how KioWare will behave if the user session is about to end when a file is being downloadedSecurity tab, Download Manager - Session End Behavior
Display a warning during file downloading that the user session will soon endSecurity tab, Download Manager - Warn Before Timeout
Allow KioWare to download files on 4G (mobile) networksSecurity tab, Download Manager - Allow Downloads on Mobile Networks
Select a common mime type (string that tells KioWare the file extension) to use when downloading filesSecurity tab, Download Manager, Tools - Select a Common Mime Type
Retrieve a custom mime type for KioWare to use when downloading filesSecurity tab, Download Manager, Tools - Get Mime Type from URL
Add a new type of file download that KioWare can useSecurity tab, Download Manager, Downloads by Mime Type - select the plus icon on the Add New Download option and enter all information
Edit a file download type that KioWare can useSecurity tab, Download Manager, Downloads by Mime Type - select the pencil icon for a download
Set how KioWare will behave when a file download is completeSecurity tab, Download Manager, Downloads by Mime Type - select the plus icon (to add) or the pencil icon (to edit), and make a selection from the Action on Download Complete option
Set KioWare to show a progress meter while a file is downloadingSecurity tab, Download Manager, Downloads by Mime Type - select the plus icon (to add) or the pencil icon (to edit), and check the Show Progress Dialog box
Set KioWare to remove all downloaded files on user session endSecurity tab, Download Manager, Downloads by Mime Type - select the plus icon (to add) or the pencil icon (to edit), and check the Clear on Session End checkbox
Set KioWare to always associate a mime type with a specific applicationSecurity tab, Download Manager, Downloads by Mime Type - Associate Mime Type to Application
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Import/Export of Config Tool Settings and Resources
Manual import from XML file, auto-import on install, export, addins/custom images and other resources, Google Drive, restore defaults/keep or delete custom images
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Embed custom images (for camera and KioWare toolbar buttons) into an XML settings file for import/exportImport/Export of Settings, Images, and Other Resources, Embedding Resources - Custom Images (Manual Insertion) and Custom Images (Auto-Insertion)
Embed KioWare addins into an XML settings file for import/exportImport/Export of Settings, Images, and Other Resources, Embedding Resources - KioWare Lite for Android Addins
Embed other resources (e.g., HTML application) into an XML settings file for import/exportImport/Export of Settings, Images, and Other Resources, Embedding Resources - Other Resources
Auto-import XML settings file from a web address, local file, or Google Drive when starting KioWare (file contains Config Tool settings and any embedded resources)General tab, XML Settings - Enable Automatic XML Import and XML Location
Auto-check XML settings file for updates/auto-load updates to Config ToolGeneral tab, XML Settings - XML Update Interval
Auto-load XML settings file from a web address, local file, or Google Drive when installing/upgrading KioWare (file contains Config Tool settings and any embedded resources)Installation and Requirements, Installation Instructions, Provisioning
Manually import XML settings file from a web address, local file, or Google Drive before running KioWare (file contains Config Tool settings and any embedded resources)Import/Export of Settings, Images, and Other Resources, Importing
Manually export Config Tool settings and any embedded resources to an XML settings file stored on a local drive or Google DriveImport/Export of Settings, Images, and Other Resources, Exporting
Clear information on Google account you were using to log onto Google Drive (be prompted to select a Google account the next time you try to log on)Configuration Toolbar - Dropdown Menu, Clear Google Account
Restore default Config Tool settingsConfiguration Toolbar - Load Defaults
Keep or delete custom (embedded) images when reloading Config Tool defaultsConfiguration Toolbar - Load Defaults
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KioWare Browser - Back-End Features
Real-time communication, SSL errors, cache, cookies, data storage, meta tags, proxy settings, audit of settings
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Tell KioWare to use real-time communication (RTC) for all websitesBrowser tab - Enable WebRTC
Tell KioWare how to handle Secure Socket Layer (SSL) errors in browserBrowser tab - Ignore SSL Errors in Browser
Store browser cacheBrowser tab, Browser Cache/Data, Browser Cache - Enable Browser Cache
Clear browser cache on session endBrowser tab, Browser Cache/Data, Browser Cache - Clear Cache at Session End
Store cookiesBrowser tab, Browser Cache/Data, Cookies - Enable Cookies
Clear cookies on session endBrowser tab, Browser Cache/Data, Cookies - Clear Cookies at Session End
Allow web pages to store HTML5 local/session dataBrowser tab, Browser Cache/Data, HTML 5 Web Storage - Enable Local/Session Storage
Allow web pages to store HTML5 web databasesBrowser tab, Browser Cache/Data, HTML 5 Web Storage - Enable Web Databases
Allow web pages to utilize HTML5's application cacheBrowser tab, Browser Cache/Data, HTML 5 Web Storage - Enable Application Cache
Show if there are any issues with the Clear HTML5 Storage at Session End settingAudit tab, Browser - Clear HTML5 Storage at Session End
Clear all web storage and all application cache on session endBrowser tab, Browser Cache/Data, HTML 5 Web Storage - Clear HTML5 Storage at Session End
Show if there are any issues with the Enable Browser Cache and Clear Cache at Session End settingsAudit tab, Browser - Clear Cache at Session End
Show if there are any issues with the Enable Cookies and Clear Cookies at Session End settingsAudit tab, Browser - Clear Cookies at Session End
Allow KioWare to display websites according to the mobile device displaying them (use website Viewport meta tags)Browser tab - Enable Wide Viewport Meta Tag
Tell KioWare to use a proxy server with web browsingBrowser tab - Proxy Settings
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KioWare Browser - Front-End Display Features
Home page, non-mobile versions of websites, popup windows, Auto play of videos, browser tabs, audit of settings
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Set the home pageGeneral tab - Start Page URL
Display non-mobile version of websitesBrowser tab - Enable Desktop Browser Mode
Tell KioWare how to handle popup windows in its browserBrowser tab - Popup Window Handling
Enable/disable Auto play of videosBrowser tab - Enable Media Auto Play
Show settings for user-created browser tabsToolbar tab, Tab Bar
Show/hide the tab bar in the browserToolbar tab, Tab Bar - Show Tab Bar
Set the max number of tabs that can be open at one timeToolbar tab, Tab Bar - Maximum Tabs
Allow users to open new browser tabsToolbar tab, Tab Bar - Allow User Created Tabs
Set the default URL for all new browser tabs openedToolbar tab, Tab Bar - New Tab URL
Show if there are any issues with the Show Tab Bar setting and if users can/cannot create new tabsAudit tab, Toolbar - Tab Bar
Show if application or URL toolbar links have been added under the Custom Toolbar Links settingAudit tab, Toolbar - Custom Toolbar Links
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KioWare Toolbar
Custom logo/images, page load progress bar, address bar, show/hide buttons, JavaScript Console, custom buttons
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Show the toolbar in the KioWare browserToolbar tab - Enable Action Bar
Add a custom image to the toolbarToolbar tab - select the pencil icon for the Enable Action Bar option and enter the image information
Add custom title text to the toolbarToolbar tab - select the pencil icon for the Enable Action Bar option and enter all information
Show a progress bar in the toolbar when loading pagesToolbar tab - Enable Progress Bar
Show an address bar in the toolbar for displaying/editing the current page's URLToolbar tab - Address Bar
Show/hide logo image on browser toolbarToolbar tab, Standard Buttons - Display Logo
Show/hide Back button on browser toolbarToolbar tab, Standard Buttons - Back Button
Show/hide Forward button on browser toolbarToolbar tab, Standard Buttons - Forward Button
Show/hide Home button on browser toolbarToolbar tab, Standard Buttons - Home Button
Show/hide Refresh button on browser toolbarToolbar tab, Standard Buttons - Refresh Button
Show/hide Log Out button on browser toolbarToolbar tab, Standard Buttons - Log Out Button
Add custom images on the Back, Forward, Home, Refresh, and Log Out buttonsToolbar tab, Standard Buttons - select the pencil icon for each button's settings and enter all information
Show/hide JavaScript Console buttonToolbar tab, Development Buttons - Hide/Show JavaScript Console Button
Show if there are any issues with the Hide/Show JavaScript Console Button settingAudit tab, Toolbar - JavaScript Console
Add custom buttons to browser toolbarToolbar tab, Custom Links - select the plus icon for the Custom Toolbar Links option
Change the order of custom links in the toolbarToolbar tab, Custom Links - press and drag any entry listed under the Custom Toolbar Links option
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Connection to License Server, show/edit license info, get license
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Allow KioWare to “talk” with the KioWare License ServerLicense tab - check the Use a License Server box and enter information in the License Server URL and (if needed) License Server Passcode settings
Test the connection between KioWare and the KioWare License ServerLicense tab, License Server Settings - Test License Server Connection
Set the model of KioWare that you have purchased (Lite, Basic, or Full)License tab - KioWare Model
Enter the name of the organization that is assigned the KioWare licenseLicense tab - Company Name
Show the license key for your KioWare licenseLicense tab, License - License Code
Show the status of your KioWare license (demo, valid, or invalid)License tab, License - [Status]
Show the system code of your KioWare license (for manual licensing)License tab, License - [Status], System Code
Show the name of your tabletLicense tab, License - [Status], Device Name
Get a license electronically from the License Server hosted at KioWareLicense tab, License - Get Electronic License
Get a license automatically when installing a KioWare productInstallation and Requirements, Installation Instructions, Provisioning
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Start on boot, exiting, passwords for KioWare/tablet, Android lock screen on top/bottom, auto-sign-in to basic authenticated websites, audit of settings
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Auto-run KioWare when the tablet bootsGeneral tab - Start on Boot
Show if there are any issues with the Start on Boot settingAudit tab, General - Start on Boot
Set the password for exiting KioWareSecurity tab, General Options - Exit Passcode
Set Administrator mode (set KioWare to run on top of or under the Android lock screen)Security tab, General Options - Enable Device Administrator
Show if there are any issues with the Enable Device Administrator settingAudit tab, Security - Enable Device Administrator
Automatically enable/disable Administrator mode when installing KioWareInstallation and Requirements, Installation Instructions, Provisioning
Set the administrator password for exiting the Android tabletSecurity tab, General Options - Exit Passcode
Show if there are any issues with the Enable Device Administrator and Exit Passcode settingsAudit tab, Security - Exit Passcode
Allow users to exit KioWare without entering a passwordSecurity tab, General Options - Enable Quick Exit
Show if there are any issues with the Enable Quick Exit settingAudit tab, Security - Enable Quick Exit
Tell KioWare to automatically sign into basic authenticated websitesSecurity tab, General Options - Basic Authentication List
Allow users to exit KioWare and shut down the tablet at the same timeSecurity tab, General Options - Exit Shutdown Option
Show if there are any issues with the Start on Boot and Exit Shutdown Option settingsAudit tab, Security - Start on Boot/Exit Shutdown Option
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Auto-run KioWare, Android browser, screen orientation/sleep/schedule, system bar/status bar, toolbar buttons, popup windows, running only one application, audit of settings
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Auto-run KioWare when the tablet bootsGeneral tab - Start on Boot
Enable/disable the Android browser's built-in zoomBrowser tab - Enable Browser Zoom
Set the Android browser's initial zoomBrowser tab - Default Zoom
Enable/disable the Android browser's HTML 5.0 geolocation featureBrowser tab - Enable Browser Geolocation
Set the tablet's screen orientationGeneral tab, Screen Settings - Screen Orientation
Set the tablet's sleep modeGeneral tab, Screen Settings - Prevent Screen Sleep
Set up a schedule for the tablet's screen to automatically turn on and offGeneral tab, Screen Settings - Screen Schedule
Edit a tablet's screen scheduleGeneral tab, Screen Settings, Schedules - select the pencil icon for a screen schedule
Delete a tablet's screen scheduleGeneral tab, Screen Settings, Schedules - select the minus icon
Set a repeat pattern (recurrence) for the tablet's screen to turn on and offGeneral tab, Screen Settings, Schedules - select the plus icon (to add) or pencil icon (to edit), and select the Set Recurrence Mode button
Hide the tablet's system bar until the bottom of the screen is touchedToolbar tab - Use Immersive Mode
Use the tablet's Back button to move backward in KioWareToolbar tab - Enable Android Back Arrow
Use the tablet's Home button to go to KioWare's home pageToolbar tab - Enable Android Home Button
Hide all popup windows that are generated from the tabletSecurity tab, General Options - Hide System Dialogs
Prevent items on the tablet's status bar from being opened when running KioWareSecurity tab, General Options - Disable Status Bar
Show if there are any issues with the Disable Status Bar and Enable Device Administrator settingsAudit tab, Security - Disable Status Bar
Set if the tablet's Home button should leave KioWare or continue displaying it (Selected Home App)Security tab, General Options - Selected Home App
Show if there are any issues with the Selected Home App settingAudit tab, Security - Selected Home App
Hide the tablet's system bar when running KioWareSecurity tab, Rooted Device Options - Hide System Bar
Allow KioWare to exit full-screen videos via the tablet's Back buttonSecurity tab, Rooted Device Options - uncheck Hide System Bar
Allow users to exit KioWare and shut down the tablet at the same timeSecurity tab, Rooted Device Options - Exit Shutdown Option
Set up the tablet to run only one application (that is not KioWare)Security tab, Application Manager, Single application Mode - check Enable Single Application Mode box and make a selection from the Application option
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User Session and Activity/Inactivity
Auto-end session, alerts, overriding default time-outs, audit of settings
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Auto-end user session during idle timeAttract/Inactivity tab, Inactivity Timers - Default Inactivity Timer
Display alert that session will soon endAttract/Inactivity tab, Inactivity Timers - Session End Warning
Set when the session end alert will displayAttract/Inactivity tab, Inactivity Timers - Session End Dialog Warning Time
Override the default inactivity timer on specific pages or domains (custom timeouts)Attract/Inactivity tab, Inactivity Timers - select the plus icon for the Custom Timeouts option
Change the order of custom timeoutsAttract/Inactivity tab, Inactivity Timers - press and drag any entry listed under the Custom Timeouts option
Make third-party application activity register as user activity in KioWare (Inactivity/Activity Service)Attract/Inactivity tab, Inactivity Timers - Inactivity/Activity Service
Show if there are any issues with the Inactivity/Activity Service setting and if any third-party applications are enabledAudit tab, Attract/Inactivity - Accessibility Service
Automatically enable/disable the Inactivity/Activity Service when installing KioWareInstallation and Requirements, Installation Instructions, Provisioning
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